Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lonely Hearts Club Band

A very unique caterpillar with orange coloring and seemingly extraneous antennas was stalking me today. I know it's more practical to assume that I just saw different caterpillars of the same species, but this one was so specific in its detail that it would be less practical to assume this particular physical appearance of a caterpillar was so frequently seen in a single area. I found it interesting how it moved so slowly across the concrete, yet it reached its destination long before I'll ever reach mine. Caterpillars spend all day moving forward while most people run around in circles. In this way,we're more like hamsters in a wheel. I wonder if hamsters believe they're going somewhere when they run inside those contraptions. Do people go anywhere when they run? Most like to believe so. But even I feel the sudden chill that all the days of my life are just extensive repetition. I have no idea where I'm going. And if I knew, I may not want to go there anyways. But a hamster doesn't stop, so nor do I. That caterpillar may one day become a surgeon or a member of the Peace Corps. Maybe we should be inspired by the slow moving creatures to take a step off our treadmills, and walk into the future.

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